*1959 July Birthday on homestead

1959 July -Mother:  "Birthday on our Homestead" - on back:  "The clouds obliterated the mountains in back-ground.  This was about 7:00 in the evening" -- Probably Sharon's 4th birthday - I'm the one standing alone to my father's left - amazing for all the fire and water damage that the5 of us were so nicely preserved!
1959 June -Mother: "Birthday on our Homestead" - on back: "The clouds obliterated the mountains in back-ground. This was about 7:00 in the evening" -- This was John's 9th birthday - I'm the one standing alone -- again -- to my father's left - amazing for all the fire and water damage that the5 of us were so nicely preserved!
1959 July closer up - cannot focus it more -- I looks SAD!
1959 June closer up - cannot focus it more -- I look SAD! I am NOT a part of the 'darling family'!

My body language — too rigid, I look isolated, dejected, rejected and scared, again like a paper cut out figure pasted onto the family picture –  I think my sister put it something like this, that I look “stripped of a self” in these pictures, and she’s exactly right.

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